This is the flyer to be emailed two weeks out from the event Drome#3, it looks a little cluttered but that is a good thing in that there plenty of musicians even if the flyer looks a little over loaded
Drome exists to allow musicians and sound artists of varying abilities the opportunity of improvising with other musicians in small and large groups; at volume or softly, featured or in supporting roles, in undefined key, tempo, form and time signature. Specifically Drome is for ensemble improvisation exploring; counterpoint, harmony and dissonance including atmospheric noise focusing on; tone, texture and arhythmics. Through the use of the two sections, ensemble and atmos orchestra access is possible for sound artists of varying ages and skill levels to be involved. It is also designed to encourage future collaborations by connecting various sound artist from a particular area and is therefore a social as well as creative event.
Musicians and sound artists who want to be involved.
Drome is for experimental sound artists/musicians interested in ensemble and atmospheric improvisation on acoustic instruments of any type (excluding guitars). Musicians are not limited to using just one instrument in either the ensemble or atmos orchestra. The ensemble is a small group of musicians who feature and control their session and the atmos orchestra a larger group whose role is to create an aural platform of supporting atmospherics and idea sparks for the featured ensemble. Musicians in the atmos orchestra can have their turn to feature in following ensemble sessions if they wish. After each session those in the current ensemble will return to become part of the atmos orchestra. If you would like to be involved contact me at
Organisations who want to be involved
The aim of the project is to develop improvisational skills in a real time environment for sound artists with varied skill levels and to create ongoing links locally, regionally and statewide between performers interested in ensemble improvisation and atmospherics. At this stage Drome and Punctum are seeking expressions of interest from organisations in viable locations with enough improvisational musicians, a suitable venue, and a responsible individual who is able and willing to organise what would become their end of the project. If you would like to be part of expanding this concept statewide contact me at